Services and types
of transport offered

IREUPS is at your disposal with the following types of transport

When the goods you want to transport fall into the category of goods considered perishable, IREUPS provides refrigerated transport services at controlled temperatures. The trucks are equipped with temperature control and double flooring.

Refrigerated transport with freezing and refrigeration

Deployment area

We offer land freight transport services throughout Europe, with heavy or low tonnage cars.
We can transport general goods on pallets as well as special goods. Our trucks regularly transit all the countries in the European Union, we have transport contracts with direct producers of consumables and food products, or from the automotive industry.

We also provide parcel-type transport with light trucks of 3.5 tons both Nationwide and in Europe.

The main categories of transport

Refrigerated transport with freezing - when transporting frozen goods (frozen fish, frozen meat, etc.) at usual temperatures of -18 / -20 degrees Celsius

Refrigerated transport with refrigeration - when transporting goods that require only cooling and maintaining a constant temperature throughout the transfer (fresh fish, fresh meat, animal carcasses, vegetables, fruits, etc.).

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